Visions of the Vampire

375 kr

From John Polidori’s iconic short story ‘The Vampyre’ and tales of parasitic female companions to experimental and freshly thrilling takes by Robert Bloch, Angela Carter and Anne Rice, this new collection sets out to present the enrapturing range of the vampire story and our undying fascination with the monster at its heart.

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Artikelnr: 9780712353922 Kategorier: , , ,


The vampire is one of the great enemies of humanity, a nightmarish figure who feeds on the living in order to sustain themselves. Born from ancient folklore, writers in the nineteenth century gave form to the vampire as we know it today. Still haunting our subconscious in the twentieth century, a new wave of writers continued to develop the imagery and traditions of the vampire — and the vampire continued to evolve. From John Polidori’s iconic short story ‘The Vampyre’ and tales of parasitic female companions to experimental and freshly thrilling takes by Robert Bloch, Angela Carter and Anne Rice, this new collection sets out to present the enrapturing range of the vampire story and our undying fascination with the monster at its heart.

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Titel: Visions of the Vampire – Two Centuries of Immortal Tales
Författare: Sorcha Ni Fhlainn (Red.), Xavier Aldana Reyes (Red.)

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ISBN: 9780712353922