The Sacred Prostitute av Nancy Qualls-Corbett

329 kr

The Sacred Prostitute takes the reader on a fascinating trip through ancient myth and sexual rituals.

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Artikelnr: 9780919123311 Kategorier: , , Etiketter: ,


The disconnection between spirituality and passionate love leaves a broad sense of dissatisfaction and boredom in relationships. The author illustrates how our vitality and capacity for joy depend on restoring the soul of the sacred prostitute to its rightful place in consciousness.

Titel: The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine
Författare: Nancy Qualls-Corbett

Format: Storpocket (Paperback)
Antal sidor: 176 sidor
Utgiven: 1988-03-01

ISBN: 9780919123311

Ytterligare information

Vikt 0,234 kg
Dimensioner 220 × 148 × 9 mm